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Purple Reign- First Impressions

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Lean, Kush, and Money.Future is back, this time with a surprise mixtape titled, “Purple Reign.” The title pretty much sums up the fact that Future has not given up on his passion for lean. However, the mixtape shows a side to Future that is very familiar.  

Future has always been a rapper that I either really enjoy listening to, or can’t stand to listen to. This is true for “Purple Reign,” and honestly most of it I’ll never really listen to again. Something that I look for in a rapper is creativity, and to me Future seems to lack that. His style revolves around the same thing; drugs, money, and women. Many rappers share this style, but I feel like Future has so much potential yet falls short of reaching his potential every time.

For an artist to be great, their albums or mixtape should have a different message or style. With Future, it feels as though there is no differentiation between any of his work. Instead, it feels like just a continuation of his work, and I really just don’t dig it. There’s been some great songs from Future, however I just cannot be a true fan until he does something different. I feel as though this mixtape is just something to fill the small void while Future works on something larger.

I’m not hating on Future, in fact, it’s nice to see a rapper who isn’t afraid to continuously put out music, no matter how much time it takes away from his personal life. I feel as though Future just needs to take a step back and breath. Like I said, his music never feels different, instead it’s just a continuation of his last release. I’m sure if Future just took a break, his creativity would flow and we’d hear some different, amazing music. But for now, expect the same Future style that we’ve heard for the past few years in “Purple Reign.” Future has talent, and I really hope he flourishes in his next major appearance, but for now, I’m seeing the talent simply be put on hold.

(Stay tuned for a 2nd opinion on the mixtape)


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